Aug 2, 2022

COVID-19’s Impact on Funeral Service Education

The COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult to navigate in education on every level. Many schools and universities have been updating their plans for the fall semester as new data is released. This makes it difficult for students and parents to prepare for the upcoming fall schedule. Individual campuses are updating their own policies for the coming term on a regular basis. As new information is released and individual state governing bodies add or eliminate regulations, that also impacts the decision making for all schools.

The best way to stay abreast of what the next term will look like in your education is by checking with your own institution. There may be variables from school to school, even within the same state. Some are mandating online classes only. Some are opening campuses but with restricted class sizes. Many are curtailing gatherings and regulating things like the use of masks. In-person classes may also mean having your temperature taken prior to entering the college. Most institutions hosting students on campus will also be publishing a process to deal with students and staff who test positive for COVID-19.

How does this impact funeral service education?

The mortuary science programs are just as impacted by the current pandemic as every other level of higher education. Institutions are paying careful attention to new changes to keep students safe without sacrificing the quality of education. For students, the best option to continue moving forward without disruption is online learning. The Pierce Colleges of Funeral offers online classes for all their degree programs. For students, this has traditionally been an excellent option to work toward the completion of their degree without sacrificing their schedule.

Students often hold full-time jobs and have family responsibilities. They may also live farther away from one of the college locations, and this allows them to complete their studies without moving to campus or traveling for school.

With new COVID-19 restrictions, online learning has become a great tool to keep moving forward without sacrificing the quality of education. The courses have been carefully planned to help students excel in the mortuary sciences so that they can build a deeper understanding of their chosen field and improve the service they can provide for their clients and the deceased.

For many students, online classes do offer the best way to complete their degree on schedule.

Remember, too, that you can augment your education throughout your career. The best way to approach your education is in finding the methods that work well for your personal needs. This might mean fully online courses.

Feel free to reach out to Pierce Mortuary Colleges if you have questions about online classes or the current processes in place to protect students and educators during this time.

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